People I Miss Series: Minna Shieh
Like the song “88 Lines About 88 Women” I choose to start this list with Minna. Minna is an office worker at GEOS Shijr, Taipei. We would spend Monday and Friday between my free class time to talk. This lasted about 3 months. Our discussions lead to me starting this series. Life changes, people drop in and out yet we still remember many things on a daily basis on a particular person; sometimes as a glimpse and other times as long as a-day-dream or longer. Minna is an intelligent and very pretty woman (plus her new haircut: rocks!!). I think she has a lot going for her, but needs to look further ahead in her life. I’m sure after my teaching job ends here at GEOS that we will never see each other again. I hope the gods smile luck and happiness on Minna.