I have not written a new entry for some time. This is due to two reasons: The first being my stupid immune system allowing me to get hives (Urticaria). The second concerning my job in Taiwan (that will be another entry – by the way I am looking for a new job, not bad to put in a plug for it here).
Well, on May 18th I felt an itching on my forearm around 10am. I though it was a misquito bite, itched it and let it be. Then after lunch I noticed a few more on my right and left arm and upper arm. So I figured there was some spider or misquito on or under my desk that was out to get me for all the years of prosecution I have brought to their brethern. By the time dinner rolls around these are no longer small little bug like bites and now they are showing up on my head. Esther, says this is no bug bite, because bugs are not going to attack and bite your head. Sounds reasonable to me although I never thought about it. So off to the doctor we go at 8:30pm. The doctor says it is from something I ate or an alergic reaciton to something else. Gave me pills and a shot and said it will be gone in two days. [side note: Esther will tell you I was running away from the nurse that was holding the shot. It was a long needle and I just wanted to see it first and wanted to know where such a long needle will go into my body. I sat down and got the shot in the waiting room in my arm (in the USA can nurses give shots in the waiting room?).]
The next day I wake up to dots and splotches all over my body including my face. I was not digging it. I went to work anyway with my pills and itch. Figure the medicine should be dong its work.Now the work day ends on Friday and I tell Esther that enough is enough I need to see the doctor again. Plus I was having a difficult time swallowing as well (can it attack the insides?). I get to the doctors and the next thing I know I am on an emergency bed with an IV stuck in my arm and I’m receiving more shots. Now this really sucked because we just bought opening day Star Wars III movie tickets we can not return. So we miss the movie while I was on my 3rd IV and countless shots. Must admit after the IV’s I felt much better. I could eat and the itching was not even noticable. The doctor lets me go in the morning with more pills. Saturday, Sunday and Monday things just got worse. The hives have now decided to cover my whole body including the bottom of my feet. I could not walk or grab things (hands had it too). And the itch was about unbarrible. I just tried to sleep for three days. By Tuesday, May 24th just about all the splotches are gone and I am feeling 90% like myself again. Doctor give me more medicine and says “that should be that.” I just hope never to get urticaria or hives again.
So, how did I get it? A bit of a mystery, but I think it was from some expired Excedrin Migrane tablets I took on the morning of May 18th since the first dots appeared 1 ½ hours after I took the medicine. I just never want it again. I think I may even toss out my two Hive albums to keep any kind of jinx out of my life.