Taipei Skies week of Sept. 19
It has been over a year in which I looked up at the sky and really enjoyed it here in Taiwan (the sky that is). For some reason this past week has been glorious. I think it has something about my timing. I am seeing the sky in the early morining and early evening. The colors being reflected off the clouds are beautiful. Everyday the sunset has shown new colors and shapes. At the same time the sky has has a gorgeous shade of blue. A blue that just “pops” and hold the rest of the background. The clouds have been very big and fluffy with small traces of long streched out clouds. Plus there has been good movement. The lower clouds are moving at different speeds than the high altitude clouds. The contrast with the mountains, sky and buildings is just fantastic. It is an eye captureing momement. My camera could never paint this beauty I have witness this week. The stiffeling summer is over and the cooler weather has brought its beautity with it.