Friday, February 17, 2006

Missing the Winter Olympics - Dreaming of Snow

I have been reading that the Winter Olympics have not been a dream watch, but I miss seeing them. Since moving to Taiwan I have given up on American Football (but Art Modell hurt that first), American Baseball and Basketball. Taiwan TV does not have alot of American sports besides what you see on ESPN and one other network here. So following a team is hard - just easier not to worry about sports - actually they don't seem so important.

I do however wish I could watch the winter olympics. I love the winter olympics. Plus not seeing snow for many years now I have more a inner feeling to see them. But no winter olympics to be found on any of my cable channels. Well, CNN gives you some hightlights once in awhile, but nothing like curling up with a drink and popcorn and watching all the great winter events.

The summer olympics will be in Beijing. Not much of a summer olympics fan, but I wonder if those will be shown here since Taiwan and China don't get along so well. ... . dreaming of snow.

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