Wednesday, January 11, 2006

People I Miss Series: Jodi Allan

A heart filled with family love is how I think of Jodi Allan. Jodi and I meet on a friend’s introduction (ES3). We lived some 200 miles apart, but we hit it off. I enjoyed driving my Eclipse and listening to CDs so the trips from Cleveland to Toledo were not so bad. We spent good quality time together and at times with her family. We thought the same on music, many world views and life in general. I just never connected with many of her friends, but that was no big deal. I tried to make it work, but my life was changing. I let it change so much I ended up pushing Jodi away even as a friend. Not sure we will ever see each other again, but I know she is still smiling at life and being the best mother in the world. I’m sure Cierra has grown up to follow your footsteps and has become a wonderful daughter.

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