Friday, April 21, 2006

ROC Taiwan - Republic of China

Taiwan has a short history with China from all the readings I have ever seen. Taiwan has always been seperate and China wanted nothing to do with it (short histroy).

Taiwan has grown and now China wants a piece plus militarily it gives them more land. I just have a hard time understanding the USA's policy towards Taiwan. The USA runs around saying they want democracy to thrive and in Taiwan democracy sure is lively. But the USA sorta looks the other way and says they want reunification to happen. Well, from history when did China actually ever own Taiwan? I think the original inhabitants/Dutch/French and others have more claim. But I guess that is beside the point.

Maybe the USA believes China will be democratic one day and the Taiwan and China issue will dissipate. Or maybe they think that Taiwan's economy will fail and will look to China to bail them out. Or does the USA think the Hong Kong example of "one country, two systems" actually works?

I know this is a hot topic and that China brainwashes their students that Taiwan is their property and it should be theirs at any cost. This belief runs deep. Chinese students take this to heart.

Taiwan is Taiwan and China is China. They are two distinct places with distinct people and cultures. Taiwan has a lot to lose if they fall under the China fold. How it plays out I may never know.

A good editorial: The Right People Make All The Difference

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