South Korea & the Virgina Tech Shootings
I read that South Korea's Foreign Ministry says, we hope this does not "stir up racial prejudice or confrontation."
I read this and just think about all the injustisce the Americans have tossed on the South Korean people. US citizens have not right to cause racial prejudice or confrontations with people of Asian or who are South Korean. I wonder if many in the general public know of all the rapes, murder and other unlawful acts Americans cause in South Korea. America needs to look outside and see everything is not green.
It is horrible what has happened at Virgina Tech, but CNN has got to focus on news on not just setting up a TV camera. I want a reporter to report and not commentate. I've noticed they are not so good at commentating. I also feel they are trying to make this tradegy more than what it is. They broadcast this some 24 hours all over the world.
Do you think the whole world needs a 24 hour report on this?
There is a war going on and we know more about the inocent people killed at Virgina Tech then we know about the soldiers and innocent people being killed in Iraq. Does everything have to be local for US news to push thier thinking.
My heart is just sad that people still need to kill each other.
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