Friday, April 27, 2007

Stephen Hawking in Zero-G is Just Wonderful

Stephen Hawking experiencing zero-G is just wonderful. I would love to have the experience, but science makes me happy that he got to experience it. Hats off to all involved. This story put a real smile on my face.

Zero Gravity Corp

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

South Korea & the Virgina Tech Shootings

I read that South Korea's Foreign Ministry says, we hope this does not "stir up racial prejudice or confrontation."

I read this and just think about all the injustisce the Americans have tossed on the South Korean people. US citizens have not right to cause racial prejudice or confrontations with people of Asian or who are South Korean. I wonder if many in the general public know of all the rapes, murder and other unlawful acts Americans cause in South Korea. America needs to look outside and see everything is not green.

It is horrible what has happened at Virgina Tech, but CNN has got to focus on news on not just setting up a TV camera. I want a reporter to report and not commentate. I've noticed they are not so good at commentating. I also feel they are trying to make this tradegy more than what it is. They broadcast this some 24 hours all over the world.

Do you think the whole world needs a 24 hour report on this?

There is a war going on and we know more about the inocent people killed at Virgina Tech then we know about the soldiers and innocent people being killed in Iraq. Does everything have to be local for US news to push thier thinking.

My heart is just sad that people still need to kill each other.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Few Pictures from 2007 Carrefour Marathon

We are normally horrible at taking pictures at events. However, this time we did capture a few pictures from the Taipei 2007 Carrefour Marathon.

My little one helping me warm up. I needed a lot since we had to wake up at 4:30am to make the bus over to the race.

May have a new runner in the family.

Clouds = Rain. ...and rain it did.
Looking east from Highway 1 overpass in Taipei.
Fished the race and the little one was very tired after running some 3K himself.
You can see the Grand Hotel in the backround. Time to clear the freeway and let the cars back on.Met Trevor after the race (he passed me at some point finishing 114 secondsahead of me - darn whipper-snappers). T.King showing his spoils after the race.

My race details and thoughts are here.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Finishing Time 2007 Carrefour 10K

I just saw the results of the 2007 Carrefour Taipei International Expressway Marathon. It took place on the National Expressway No. 1 (Wuku-Hsichih elevated Section). CTRRA website English/Chinese [times listed on Chinese part of site only]

They had three races: Marathon, Half-Marathon and a 10K. I am in no way ready for a Marathon and will worry about a Half-Marathon in September when I run around Green Island.

I will say that this run really pushed me mentally during the race and after. My main strategy was to push the first 1 1/2k and by 2K find a comfortable pace, push at final 2K. I figured this strategy would help me hit a 45 minute target.

I will say by 5K I was starting to think, "what the heck I'm doing out here. This race is killing me." It was not the distance or the time. It was a mental shock to me to run on a 4 lane highway with no cars, no scenery and with large side barriers blocking your view. The highway twists and turns a bit with rolling hills, but you could not really see what was ahead. It was very much like running scared in a dream - running in a desolate area with no end in site.

This mental shock in running this race stayed with me for two weeks. Every time I would head out to run I wanted to head right back home. Needless to say, I'm now past that and looking ahead to a 9K in May .

So, how did I do? I missed my 45 minute mark, but did okay. I finished in 46:59. I was 185th out of 2,170 runners. I was number 28th in my age/gender group (40-44 male) out of 214 people. My pace was a bit faster then a 9K I did three month earlier.

I did meet a nice fellow Trevor King after the race. Must congratulate him on a fine 45:05 run.

Back to Dodgem in Taipei.

Ken Rockwell's Megapixel Myth Class

I just read an article in Popular Science about Adobe's 19 lens demonstration camera. So, I went on line to learn more. During my search I came across: KenRockwell's Megapixel Myth.

If you are looking for a new digital camera this is a great article to read. Get to know what you are buying before jumping to the coolest x.xMP camera.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Copy Copy and Copy Some More - China & US

So, the US is going to push WTO to bite down on piracy in China. It appears all the big business are behind it. Even the RIAA is behind it, since they have not figured out a way to sue people that make less then $250 a month. I have yet to see a story denouncing it.

Books, Movies and Music will be the big move. Hmmm . . . Releases are always late in China and people want to see current talked about films. Western music is gaining popularity, but China can live with Chinese artists and music. Books will hurt students wanting to read which in turn helps in education. All these mediums are now down-loadable across the web.

It appears to me that piracy will just grow from this move. Until the general public can afford paying full price on luxuries such a movies, music and books piracy will be the norm.

Sometimes I wonder if the USA understands China. I don't live in China, but from general reading and visiting you quickly learn the people are not the money driving force. It is the government and a handful of people that have the money.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Taiwan May Be Dense But It Ain't Crowded

I read today the following:

  • "Taiwan has the world's second-highest population density among countries whose population is above 10 million, with 632 people per square kilometre, a government report said on Tuesday.
  • In countries whose population is above 10 million, Taiwan falls only behind Bangladesh in population density, the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics said.
  • Taiwan has a population of 23 million. Bangladesh, which has a population of 141 million, has a population density of 985 people per square kilometre.
  • Population density in Taiwan cities is 2,605 people per square kilometre."

This report would make me feel Taiwan is one crowded city. One in which it would be hard to move, but it is far from it. Take a train, MRT (subway), bus, scooter, taxi and move about freely. the cities may be big and populated, but it is comfy.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Pyramid Building

Take a look at Pyramid Building 101 in the 21st century. Fact or Fiction?

The ideas and theory make sense. There are more questions raised once you see the video, but I can only assume they are answered in a detailed paper. A great lunchtime view of how engineering of Khufu Pyramid could have taken place. Nice work from Jean-Pierce Houdin.

This is cute? Is it not Animal Endangement?

So, I see this picture in three news reports and it is displayed as one of the best weekly pictures on (with some 20,000+ votes). Does everybody think this is cute? I think Levester Johnson should not be taking care of Armani. The road is clear at this time, but still so many things can go wrong. I find it amazing this is not seen as animal endangerment in Akron, Ohio. While in another state some guy letting his kid ride in the trunk of a car is arrested. Both to me are wrong, but the kid in the trunk seems safer than Armani taking his run.

I live in Summit County and when I was a kid I would get reprimanded by the police when I rode my bike with an extra person on it. Seems laws in Summit County and Ohio are getting lax. In the future to make thing easier... Why not tie Armani to the back bumper and put some hitch lights on him/her. This could also be a good way to train the local cross country team.