Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Taiwan was sitting quietly until Pres. Bush opens his mouth

In the last few months the China-Taiwan relationship was brushed under the carpet due to many other world events. Now that President Bush has said (here) that China should emulate Taiwan this is surely to bring bad tidings. The USA does not recognize Taiwan as a independent country, but rather as a "one China." So why in the world did he need to get China all worked up? I say worked up - even though China has yet to respond (it has only be 20 minutes) - but China will be sure to get there two words in. Taiwan and China's relationship is not the best, but it is not the worst. People need to let time take care of its self or other countries should start recognizing Taiwan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's fun to get China all worked up... and such an easy target.